The COVID-19 outbreak disturbed the economic, social, and political structures all around the world. The pandemic is shrinking businesses and operations budgets. As a result, companies of all sizes are looking into cutting costs and find new ways to maximize their resources.
Facility managers operating schools, hotels, or hospitals are no exception: They know that every saved penny can boost the resilience of their facility in tough times.
When “Cutting Costs” Doesn’t “Save”
Saving is human, and the ability to make the most of the resources available to them is what gave human populations a competitive advantage facing adversity for millennia. However, not all cost-cutting measures are created equally. While some expenses are negotiable, “saving” might end up doing the opposite.
Likewise, for facility managers, even if skipping the maintenance plan to adhere to a tight budget cuts costs in the short term, it might have direr consequences in the long run. When not maintained properly, buildings deteriorate quicker, causing companies to lose money, reputation, and employee well-being.
More importantly, well-maintained facilities minimize safety risks. During routine annual maintenance, it’s possible to analyze any potential blindspots and issues that might compromise safety and security. Furthermore, regular maintenance ensures that local safety and security rules and regulations are observed.
A Maintenance Plan is Essential to Cut Costs and Boost Safety
Whether it’s a risk of fire, burglary, or a technological malfunction, a maintenance plan can accurately diagnose an issue and prevent the worst before it happens.
Furthermore, even without a worst-case scenario, regular maintenance empowers facility managers to make more cost-efficient and environmentally responsible decisions.
Regular, planned maintenance allows facility managers to better control their budget and anticipate costs compared to unforeseen repair costs, the amount of which is difficult to predict.
For instance, regular maintenance helps to identify issues with plumbing or energy leaks, helping facility managers to cut the utility bills. These can boost not only indoor air quality but also protect the facility’s structural integrity. By performing simple repairs after regular maintenance, facility managers can prevent more substantial structural damages. These can come at a significantly higher cost and might require the facility to go out of function for the duration of the lengthy repairs.
How to Cut Costs With Your Maintenance Plan?

While facility managers on a tight budget shouldn’t skip their maintenance plan, it’s still possible to conduct it in a cost-efficient and smooth manner. One of the best ways to achieve this is to establish partnerships with companies that align with the highest industry standards, and are transparent about the products and maintenance services they offer.
Even if costs are the top priority for many facility managers these days, they should not forget that for their clients, strong communication and fast response times are the most important.
If it Ain’t Broke, Maintain It
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” goes the famous proverb, which originates from the Southern United States and became popular in the 1970s. However, the wisdom of this proverb doesn’t apply to a modern world with changing requirements.
Hence, in a world of fast-paced technology and increasingly complex businesses, if it ain’t broke, maintain it.