Keeping The Water Out: 4 Examples of Flood-Proof Architecture
Floods are among the most common and destructive natural disasters. They affected more than 2 billion people worldwide between 1987 and 2017, according to the World Health Organization. As floods keep increasing in frequency and intensity due to climate change, flood-proof architecture is becoming an issue of growing importance.
5 Reasons You Should Migrate to Cloud-Based Access Control
Recent technological developments in cloud computing have driven innovation in the security market, convincing companies of all sizes to switch from manual or electronic access control to cloud-based ones.
Time and Attendance Systems: How They Help to Optimize the Workplace
Digitization and finally also COVID-19 have triggered a boom in new forms of work. Both remote-work, as well as flexible working hours, are on the rise. These new ways of working require new ways to record working hours.
Near-Field Communication: Top 6 Questions Answered
Near-field communication (NFC) technologies first appeared in 1983, even though it wasn’t until 2006 when Nokia introduced the first NFC-enabled mobile phone. Fast forward to 2021, NFC is a ubiquitous feature for many more mobile phone models and electronic devices.
2020 In Review: 7 Top Architecture Projects
The year 2020 was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. The construction industry was likewise affected by the measures taken to combat the pandemic. In many countries, construction sites were partially or completely closed, and tasks were carried out from home where possible.
Predictive Maintenance: How AI Supports the Automation of Building Maintenance
Preventive care, efforts to prevent a disease before needing to treat it, isn’t a new idea and originated in Ancient Greek. However, throughout the 20th century, the increasing focus on understanding the human body to prevent the diseases single-handedly saved millions of lives and cut down healthcare costs.