A Year In Review: Top 5 Architectural Projects of 2023
The year 2023 witnessed a dynamic array of cultural developments that reshaped societal norms and challenged traditional narratives — and the field of architecture was no exception. In 2023, as sustainability, inclusion, and cultural preservation took a more central stage than ever in architecture, we witnessed a surge of architectural brilliance, with groundbreaking projects unveiled across the globe. […]
How “Creative Placemaking” Can Transform Our Societies
Since the Industrial Revolution, spatial and architectural needs of our societies have been evolving rapidly. As economies shifted from agrarian to industrial — and lifestyles from rural to urban — the demand for new types of spaces emerged to accommodate the changing needs of work, living, and leisure. For instance, the rise of factories required the creation of […]
The Emotional Power of Architecture: How Buildings Move Us
“Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak to us,” said Julia Morgan (1872-1957), a pioneering woman of North American architecture, emphasizing the expressive power of buildings. Indeed, buildings can communicate emotions, ideas, and stories through their forms, materials, and details. Architecture has a profound impact on our lives, shaping our experiences, influencing our moods, and even […]
Urban Flooding: How Danish Cities Stay Above the Water
As the world grapples with the intensifying effects of climate change, coastal cities are increasingly facing the threat of urban flooding. Rising sea levels, exacerbated by extreme weather events, are putting pressure on the existing infrastructure. According to the World Bank, an estimated 1.81 billion people, nearly a quarter of the world population, are directly exposed […]
5 Stunning Low or Zero Energy Buildings
The built environment contributes to nearly half of all global CO2 emissions each year. The lion’s share of this environmental impact belongs to the day-to-day running and energy needs of our buildings such as homes, offices, schools, or hospitals: The building operations, including their energy consumption, accounts for approximately 27 percent of the world’s annual CO2 emissions. […]
Why Contractors Matter As Much As the Materials
Following the devastating fire of 1666, which burned London to the ground, Christopher Wren, the world’s most renowned architect at the time, was tasked with the reconstruction of St Paul’s Cathedral. Five years into this massive project, Wren stopped at the site to posit a simple question to three different builders. “What are you doing?” he […]