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Is Your Key Safe? A Definitive Guide to Key Protection

First known keys in history were wooden sticks used some 6,000 years ago in Ancient Egypt and Babylon. Today, following the astonishing technological developments and digitization, so many things can be a key. Devices such as a card, a smartphone, or body parts including fingerprints, voice, or eyes can authorize users to access an area.

How Augmented Reality Can Empower Field Technician Proficiency

Field Technician

“If you can read, you can learn anything about everything and everything about anything,” said the legendary children’s author Tomie DePaola. Indeed, the past two decades have been characterized by an enthusiasm for self-study and innovative learning methods.

Opening After Lockdown: 4 Things Facility Managers Must Do

Facility Managers

From retirement homes to shopping centers, facility management during the COVID-19 outbreak has had central importance in managing this public health crisis. There’s no doubt that it’s an overwhelming and demanding time to execute excellent facility management during the COVID-19 challenge.

A Nod to Future: A Co-working Space for Blockchain Startups

Co-working Space

Often cited as the technology that is kickstarting the “second era of the internet”, blockchain is already transforming the world of business and human affairs. Popularized as the technology behind BitCoin, blockchain is a decentralized database stored on different computers as identical copies.